
Marion Jensen is the founded of the TwHistory project and is currently a Sr. Instructional Designer at American Express. He is a technology tinkerer, and is constantly looking for new ways to use social media in learning situations. He is an author with two books under his belt, and blogs at In his spare time he writes, runs, and caresses his board game collection.

Tom Caswell is Open Education Program Manager at the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC). He has also consulted for the OpenCourseWare Consortium at MIT, The Open University of Catalonia, and Creative Commons. Tom is particularly interested in Open Educational Resources, and micro-learning using Twitter. His other professional experiences include High School teaching, project management, web application testing, and technical writing. Tom is a PhD student in the Department of Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences at Utah State University. Tom enjoys cycling, traveling to new places, and blogging at

Justin Ball is chief TwHistory software lacky. Justin has been involved in the OER movement since 2006 and spends his days writing software as a consultant and entrepreneur with a passion for Ruby. He evolved from a C++ and .Net monkey into a Python programmer and finally found Ruby. In the rare moments when he isn't writing code, talking about code or measuring his code productivity in profanity per hour, you can find him biking in the mountains or on the roads surrounding Cache Valley. Justin can be found pontificating at