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Levi JackmanEdit
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Levi Jackman Br. Young and the remainder of the Camp cam up which gave us mutch joy and we had a time of rejoysing together.
Sat, Jul 24, 1847 12:07PMLevi Jackman We found the soile to be good and that we were out of the reach of our enemies and that God had blessed us on oure Journey verry mutch.
Fri, Jul 23, 1847 04:23PMLevi Jackman But when we got through it seamed like bursting from the confine of a prison.
Thu, Jul 22, 1847 05:27PMLevi Jackman We came ful vieu of the S.E. part of the grait Salt Lake that we had ben so long looking for. It was about 30 miles off.
Thu, Jul 22, 1847 05:40PMLevi Jackman We went a short distance to a small groav and cambed. Br P.P. Pratt called the Camp togeather
Fri, Jul 23, 1847 09:48AMLevi Jackman masures was entered into for puitting in oure potatoes earley corn, buck wheat, turnips, &tc. Plowes was started and some planting don
Fri, Jul 23, 1847 10:04AMLevi Jackman We had to pas through a Canion that was full of timber mostley maple of a small groath and the mountains came almost togeather at the bottom
Thu, Jul 22, 1847 05:26PMLevi Jackman a host of the Camp that we had left came up with us and outhers had to stop because of sickness. our moove was sloe
Thu, Jul 22, 1847 11:29AMLevi Jackman it took all the able spair hands from 1/2 to 3/4 of the time to fix the road so that we could possabley git along.
Thu, Jul 22, 1847 01:15PMLevi Jackman We soon left that revein and crosed a verrey hevey hill about 1/2 mile up. we then desended down into anouther revian, we went about 7 miles
Wed, Jul 21, 1847 12:42PMLevi Jackman we Came about 7 miles this day. goos bierys are plentey in maney places on these creeks.
Mon, Jul 19, 1847 07:00PMLevi Jackman We left canion creek this morning and struck up a revien. our Journey for a number a day had been desolate.
Tue, Jul 20, 1847 09:38AMLevi Jackman the mountains on baoth sides was verey high and the revien so crooked that we could not see but a short distance...
Tue, Jul 20, 1847 10:13AMLevi Jackman ...and it looked as tho we were shut up in a gulf without aney chance for ascape
Tue, Jul 20, 1847 10:14AMLevi Jackman we followed up the creek south and crosed it 8 or 9 times. It is truley a difficult passage. the land on the streems is rich
Mon, Jul 19, 1847 06:37PMLevi Jackman the weather is verrey hot through the day, we stoped to rest today and Br Pratt delivered a good discourse by way of incourigemant &c.
Sun, Jul 18, 1847 04:41PMLevi Jackman frost & ice this morning
Sun, Jul 18, 1847 08:20AMLevi Jackman The ice was as thick window glass this morning. Br O Pratt and John Brown went on to examin the rout and outhers went to work fixing bad places.
Sat, Jul 17, 1847 02:17PMLevi Jackman we started on and crosed over a hill and Came on to a creek and followead it up. we had to cros it a number of times which was hard to cross
Sat, Jul 17, 1847 03:05PMLevi Jackman We found our way up a revean to the top of the hill verrey difficult to assent for about 7 miles and a rise of about from 4 to 500 feet.
Fri, Jul 16, 1847 03:51PMLevi Jackman Lyman Curtis was taken sick this evening and I was not hardley able to sit up which made thing look rather gloomey--
Fri, Jul 16, 1847 07:08PMLevi Jackman We found scattering flax of a good size and quality. The valley was furtile but verrey narrow
Wed, Jul 14, 1847 05:48PMLevi Jackman the hills on boath sides ware several hundred feet high and on the right hand it was rock. In maney places it was difficult passing.
Wed, Jul 14, 1847 06:01PMLevi Jackman we followed down the valey til we came to the Canion, but choosing if possable to find a better pas and to avoide passing down...
Thu, Jul 15, 1847 11:12AMLevi Jackman ...some ten miles in the in the head of the river we stoped for the day and sent men in differant wayes to find a better way if possable.
Thu, Jul 15, 1847 11:13AMLevi Jackman President Young was taken sick today and stoped with a fue outher waggeons. my health remains verrey poor so that I am hardey able to walk.
Mon, Jul 12, 1847 01:13PMLevi Jackman It was thought best to send on a fue teems and men to look out and fix the road and the remanider with most of the sick to stop a day or two.
Mon, Jul 12, 1847 02:34PMLevi Jackman not quite so bad hills, crossed Bare Creek. the soile looks better more and herbiage were plenty on the hills.
Mon, Jul 12, 1847 10:49AMLevi Jackman Some bad hills and verrey stoney. Some small fine vallies. went 14 mile
Sat, Jul 10, 1847 04:14PMLevi Jackman lay by all day.
Sun, Jul 11, 1847 02:06PMLevi Jackman we traviled 19 miles and camped on muddey. The road has been hilley & stooney. My health is on the mend but I am quite feeble.
Fri, Jul 09, 1847 03:37PMLevi Jackman I am nowe on the mend but am hardley able to walk. There is new cases about every day and what will be the end the Lord onley knowes.
Wed, Jul 07, 1847 08:52PMLevi Jackman We stopped all day frost this morning some new cases of sickness
Thu, Jul 08, 1847 04:20PMLevi Jackman Crost Blacks fork a number of times and camped near Ft bridger It consists of three log rooms and a small yard inclosed with pickets.
Wed, Jul 07, 1847 05:18PMLevi Jackman I was taken verrey violentley sick on Monday with the Complaint that was in the Cam
Wed, Jul 07, 1847 06:30PMLevi Jackman I do not know as I ever expearanced more pain the same lingth of time in my life than I did through monday night. mostley in my hips & back.
Wed, Jul 07, 1847 08:45PMLevi Jackman Today a part of a detachmant from the mormon Batalion came up with us. They were on their way to Fort Bridger.
Sun, Jul 04, 1847 04:32PMLevi Jackman we kept down green river a fue miles then left it and struck over on Ham's fork, campt. traviled 20 mile
Mon, Jul 05, 1847 07:29PMLevi Jackman Struck on Blacks fork. Went 18 1/2
Tue, Jul 06, 1847 08:04PMLevi Jackman a good meney of the Camp has been taken sick. They was taken sick with a pain in the head and back. attended with a feaver.
Sun, Jul 04, 1847 03:57PM