Historical Events for 1847 Pioneer Trek
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Erastus Snow Had an excellent meeting. All feel satisfied that the Lord had led us to this very Spot for a Stake of Zion.
Sun, Jul 25, 1847 01:09PMErastus Snow We have the creek dammed up and water turned onto our land and several acres of Potatoes & early corn Planted.
Sat, Jul 24, 1847 07:09PMGeorge A. Smith Water let on the ground. Towards evening a slight shower.
Sat, Jul 24, 1847 05:46PMLorenzo Young my feelings were such as I cannot describe. every thing looked gloomy and I felt heart sick
Sat, Jul 24, 1847 04:32PMLorenzo Young this day we arrived in the valley of the great Salt Lake.
Sat, Jul 24, 1847 04:31PMGeorge A. Smith Potatoes all planted. I planted first. At about two the President and his company came up, all better.
Sat, Jul 24, 1847 02:06PMErastus Snow The President & all the rear of the Pioneer company arrived, their health much improved.
Sat, Jul 24, 1847 01:23PMHeber Kimball Have arrived amongst the brethren. Today traveled 12¾ miles. The total distance from Fort Bridger 116 miles & from Fort John 573 miles.
Sat, Jul 24, 1847 12:15PMLevi Jackman Br. Young and the remainder of the Camp cam up which gave us mutch joy and we had a time of rejoysing together.
Sat, Jul 24, 1847 12:07PMJohn Brown Our camp on the south side of city creek. Preparations are made. Fields Ploughed and the president arrives in the valley.
Sat, Jul 24, 1847 12:01PMHeber Kimball Moving on. Came in sight of the other camp soon. The balance of the road is good and rapidly descending for several miles.
Sat, Jul 24, 1847 10:28AMHeber Kimball At the top of the pitch. I behold the Great valley of the Salt Lake spreading before us.
Sat, Jul 24, 1847 10:01AMHeber Kimball Started early. Find the road very rough & uneven to the mouth of the Kanion, 4¾ miles from where we started. Ascending a steep pitch.
Sat, Jul 24, 1847 08:44AMGeorge A. Smith Some cloudy but quite warm.
Sat, Jul 24, 1847 07:11AMGeorge A. Smith Major Pack reported the President and co. were few miles back and much better. Teams to come in 4 hour tours: 4 tours, 4 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Fri, Jul 23, 1847 08:00PMHeber Kimball The sick gaining strength as fast as can be expected. This day has been the hottest since Winter Quarters, & the hardest on our horses.
Fri, Jul 23, 1847 06:23PMHeber Kimball Camping on the banks of "last creek," a small stream of cool water. The sky is growing overcast & has the appearance of a very heavy storm.
Fri, Jul 23, 1847 05:13PMLevi Jackman We found the soile to be good and that we were out of the reach of our enemies and that God had blessed us on oure Journey verry mutch.
Fri, Jul 23, 1847 04:23PMHeber Kimball Brethren ahead prepare to move on & start planting. A letter from O. Pratt, G.A. Smith & W. Richards accounts the roads, features, &c.
Fri, Jul 23, 1847 03:55PMHeber Kimball Pack & Mathews rode in. Reported both companies abt 14 miles ahead encamped about 25 miles from the Salt Lake, which is visible to them.
Fri, Jul 23, 1847 03:44PMHeber Kimball Lorenzo's wagon turned over. His 2 little boys were inside. They were taken out by cutting a hole through the wagon cover & weren't hurt.
Fri, Jul 23, 1847 02:16PMGeorge A. Smith Dam on run for irrigation began. 3 ploughs running and1harrow. 2 ½ acres ploughed. Grass mowing for turnip patch. Prarrie hens. Milkweed.
Fri, Jul 23, 1847 02:00PMHeber Kimball Descending the steep hill, it's necessary to lock the hind wagon wheels. Road winds over a rough road caused by stumps of trees left.
Fri, Jul 23, 1847 01:31PMHeber Kimball Have arrived at the summit. Have a fine view of the snow mountains and the valley of the Salt Lake in the distance south west.
Fri, Jul 23, 1847 12:17PMGeorge A. Smith A committee appointed to pick out ground for planting. 40 X 20 rods staked off for potatoes at 11:15. First furrow turned by noon.
Fri, Jul 23, 1847 12:00PMErastus Snow We have commenced with our preperations for planting seeds.
Fri, Jul 23, 1847 10:39AMLevi Jackman masures was entered into for puitting in oure potatoes earley corn, buck wheat, turnips, &tc. Plowes was started and some planting don
Fri, Jul 23, 1847 10:04AMLevi Jackman We went a short distance to a small groav and cambed. Br P.P. Pratt called the Camp togeather
Fri, Jul 23, 1847 09:48AMHeber Kimball Ascending a high mtn. Road passes a ravine and gradually though rapidly ascends. It's rough & rocky, making bad travelling.
Fri, Jul 23, 1847 09:44AMGeorge A. Smith Moved north at 7 to edge of the valley and camp met. Prayer by Prof. Orson Pratt. Remarks were made by Bros. Pratt and Richards & others.
Fri, Jul 23, 1847 09:30AMGeorge A. Smith Pretty stream. Plenty mosquitoes after dark. Soil quick and fertile. A few trees nearly one foot through near the mouth of the kanyon.
Thu, Jul 22, 1847 06:32PMLevi Jackman We came ful vieu of the S.E. part of the grait Salt Lake that we had ben so long looking for. It was about 30 miles off.
Thu, Jul 22, 1847 05:40PMLevi Jackman But when we got through it seamed like bursting from the confine of a prison.
Thu, Jul 22, 1847 05:27PMLevi Jackman We had to pas through a Canion that was full of timber mostley maple of a small groath and the mountains came almost togeather at the bottom
Thu, Jul 22, 1847 05:26PMErastus Snow At any rate I tried it, but had little desire to remain long upon it. All these main Springs are very strongly impregnated with Salt & Sulphur.
Thu, Jul 22, 1847 04:54PMErastus Snow Here are the greatest facilities for a Steam Doctor I ever saw. A stone in the center of the stream seemed ready for the Patient.
Thu, Jul 22, 1847 04:33PMJohn Brown Several hot springs and sulpher. A great many black crickets all over the valley but appear harmless. the camp comes into the valley.
Thu, Jul 22, 1847 02:30PMErastus Snow We've found a warm spring that although we can't know the tempature seems about right for scaldiing hogs.
Thu, Jul 22, 1847 02:08PMHeber Kimball 1/4 mi on, making encampment. Today travelled 7½ miles over rough, crooked road, thick bushes of willows. Crossed creeks 12 times.
Thu, Jul 22, 1847 02:00PMHeber Kimball Crossed a bad slough. 1 of Lorenzo's horses mired. Found letter left in a stick by O Pratt. Says where they are, what to expect on the road.
Thu, Jul 22, 1847 01:34PM