At 7 this morning we resumed our march. Went two miles, then turned about and went to our old camp. Just ordered to march again. ∞
Captured 5 rebels today. They were conscripts of the 18th Louisiana and all spoke French. ∞
It Begines to looke like a march today. i and 29 more were Detailde as garde fore a suply Train to gow to the 1 Division of hour corpese ∞
I have repudiated the agreement with Bernard Kock regarding colonization of the Republic of Haiti. ∞
I am now satisfied that we are going towards Richmond... ∞
Prejudice against black soldiers is steadily disappearing with their record of obedience, alacrity, steadiness, and bravery in the field. ∞
@ Gen_Hooker: General S. is not moving rapidly enough. I fear it is another failure already. Write me often. I am very anxious. ∞
@ Gen_Hooker: I received your letter of this morning; it gives me considerable uneasiness. The rain and mud were to be calculated upon. ∞
Wea laide in campe. Ite Rainde all Day ∞
Started early and rode rapidly for several miles. Met three Texans on horseback. They were fine, desperate looking fellows. ∞
We are very fortunate in not having broken our camp. Thousands must be on the march in this raging storm. Oh, how I pity their situation... ∞
Our court martial has two capital cases, both from @ Woolfolk's battery; Howard and Nelson. Both are deserters. ∞
The cavalry have gone up the river and, I think, have crossed. We heard firing yesterday and this morning but have learned nothing. ∞
The newspapers pretend to have a great deal in them but when one knows that most of it is false there is little satisfaction in reading them ∞
@ Stonemen started with nearly the whole Cavalry Corps on Monday morning. He was to cross at Rappahannock Station, and go as far as Culpeper ∞
This locality is bare, bleak and desolate, muddy, and in ruin, all the beauty trampled out long ago under the ruthless tread of a great army ∞
The storm has increased with a terrible force. Our orders to move forward have been countermanded. ∞
I was sure that today we would bid adieu to our camp and be on the march. But last night it commenced raining and this morning was very wet. ∞
@ Sarah: The day we move onward I will try and send you a note. Pray for me Sarah that God will take care of me through all danger and harm. ∞
@ Sarah: I tell you we aint no further from the Rebels than is our camp that from Detroit to trenton. We can go that in one day. ∞